Friday, September 3, 2010

had the most messed up day, so bloody pisse off i can't type it up right now, later tonight when i've calmed down. just wanted to share

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

my little intro...

hey, i'm A. Stranger, no im actually serious, my name is andrew stranger, my parents were either high or (as i suspect to be the more likly culprets) totals ass-holes.

i'm not 100% sure why the hell im even writing this, who bloody knows, im not interesting, i don't think, i'm just ur average uni student, poor as hell, writing this from my pc in my rents house

im not interesting, i havn't got much going, a crappy low paying job and working towards a bachelor of economics,

i plan to write about all the messed up shit that happens to me, hopefully u guys find that funny